This year, thanks to Dr Karmela Krleža Jerić, a member of Cochrane Croatia, we decided to do something different for EBHD. Karmela introduced us to a play ‘An impossible decision – life interrupted by uncertainty’, by her friend and colleague, Dr Benjamin Djulbegovic, and suggested we bring it to life. With no experience in acting or producing plays, it was a daunting task, but thanks to 6th year medical students, Katarina Čavka and Julian Kovačić, and our medical school librarian, Dr Danira Matijaca, the play was translated, adapted and performed to the delight of all. The play revolves around the optimal choice of treatment for metastatic pancreatic cancer that a young 45-year-old woman and her family face. It attempts to demonstrate the central role of uncertainty that shape these decisions, calling on science to help address them.
Weeks of rehearsals and preparations resulted in a three-part play, intertwined with panel discussions. The play was held on Friday 20th October at the University of Split School of Medicine to an audience of students, staff, physicians and public. Panellists consisted of patient representatives (members of Cochrane Croatia’s partner organisations), physicians and scientists. A lively discussion, which also involved members of the audience, was moderated by Cochrane Croatia’s director, Irena Zakarija-Grkovic. Topics included patient-doctor communication, conflicts of interest in research, the role of evidence in decision making, and dealing with uncertainty.
The original text of the play can be found in the International Journal on Biomedicine and Healthcare at: https://ejmanager.com/mnstemps/220/220-1682836071.pdf?t=1683240355